New To Water Polo – Term 2 2024
We will be running our “New to Water Polo” U/12 program beginning 5th May for 6 weeks. TIME: 8:00-9:00am at Yeronga Park. Register here from the Team App:
Winter Training – Term 2 2024
Starting May 5th - Registrations open via the REGISTRATION icon on the Home Screen of the App Weeknight(s) and/or Weekend sessions available, plus Polo Swim Fit Mon, Tues, Thurs AM. WATER POLO TRAININGWEEKNIGHTS- Monday Night: 6:00-7:30 18 Girls and 18 Boys Plus 7:00-8:00pm Masters- Tuesday
Mermaid Players Named to Aussie WOmens Cadet and Aussie Youth SquadS
Congratulations to all the Mermaids girls who made the Australian Women’s Cadet Squad and the Australian Youth Sqaud. Great News for our girls, their parents and the club! The National State Championships were held on the Gold Coast, September 24-27, 2022.
Mermaids Players represent Queensland at National Championships
The National State Championships are a performance competition for state representative teams, and an opportunity for the best athletes across the country to compete against each other in a state versus state format for the national title. Our Mermaids are well